Monthly Archives: August 2015

Haven’t Quit Yet.

I wanted to post an update here for my followers. You are few but appreciated.  I haven’t given up on this blog.
I have been busy finishing up a first draft for a project I’m working on.  It was hard for me to do that and to keep doing the flash fiction.  I have finished that rough draft and I’m now taking the time to let it simmer.
One of my biggest problems as a writer, or just as a person in general, is finishing what I’ve started. So I’m pleased I finished this draft but there is still a long trek to the actual finish line.
So again I thank anyone that has taken the time to read this and I hope you’ve enjoyed what I have posted.  I’m going to make an attempt to get something new on here as much as possible and I apologize for the lack of content thus far.

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Filed under Non Fiction, Poetry